ItJEM’s No. 2 in 2017 adds DOI to already acquired ISSN in No.1: we are going achieve a standard that allows the identification of an article and its author using telematics.
To this end, we would like to point out some scientific contents of particular importance.
A remarkable Insight on the use of BIG DATA in Emergency Medicine comes from the published innovative work of
De Vito and Coll. More than in other cases, emergencies led the medical culture to adopt an approach based on Emergency Assistance numbers. In the case of BIG DATA we have to encode a huge volume of data (mostly not homogeneous) in order to achieve an “appropriate management” that can be useful enough to predict and develop new knowledge to the use of Medicine.
Brugioni Original Article deals with a current and thorny problem: the management of respiratory patients receiving oxygen supplement therapy through various non-invasive devices, managed in different units within the hospital. The experience is reported on a large collection case, in several years of study.
De Angelis “Welcome baby girl” Brief Report is reserved for a happy event: a childbirth during a transport ambulance, and takes the opportunity to discuss time and protocols.
The use of bedside US it is always of high interest for emergency physicians and nurses and 3 works emphasise this practice (
The last 2 articles we want to point out are
Piervincenzi’s Letter (based on Grandi and Coll article published on ItJEM No. 1 of 2017), which emphasizes the importance of early recognition of the signs of regained consciousness after cardiac arrest resuscitation; and
Veronese Brief Report about the satisfaction of Emergency Medical Residents about training and skills acquisition. Above all this is a very much a live issue, as the Specialising School is a recent institution not inspired by a pre-existing model.
Enjoy the reading